Your body needs energy! Significantly, our world is going through a critical phase where no one knows when will lockdown end as many people are losing there lives. Hence, the only thing we are doing is worst of all, completely home quarantined so as not to expose ourselves to the infectious virus as we have no other option. Thereupon what shall one do in order to stay fit and healthy? Consequently, the solution is ‘ Immunity boosting’.At the.oresent time, If one has a strong immunity system there is no chance of getting infected. Most important ‘Prevention is better than cure’ our body needs build up. Mainly including vitamins, minerals, nutrients is mandatory. Proper nutrition has become best of all in our life chiefly, quality of a person’s health depends upon the nourishment and diet that one ultimately receives. The best of them are listed in short below.

1. Hygiene Habits

Hygiene has its origin in the word ‘Hygiea’ who was considered to be the Greek Goddess of health, cleanliness, and sanitation. Good hygiene is an aid to health, beauty, comfort, and social interactions. It thus helps in the prevention of diseases and will help to keep one healthy and thus avoid illness.
Some of the common practice one should follow at home are:
1. Clean the house and household articles with disinfectant especially kitchen, toilet, and washbasin.
2. Washing, drying, and ironing clothes properly especially when it belongs to a sick person.
3. Daily bathing and regular and frequent cleaning or sanitizing hands are mandatory.
4. Instead of bare hands, hold a tissue /handkerchief to cover the mouth while coughing and sneezing.
5. Suppression of habits such as nose-picking, touching the face, etc.
6. Washing hands after using the toilet, coughing, sneezing, bowling, and scratching the nose.

2. Managing stress level

Life is full of challenges and opportunities. It depends on how you handle the situation. All of us try to meet these challenges in our own way. Stress is a term which often used in everyday life by every one of us. It’s one’s total response to environmental demands.

Most of us experience stress many times. Without stress, there would be no life. People may go through hypertension, depression, hyperexcitation, nightmares, insomnia, frequent need to urinate, fatigue, lost if joy, and whatnot. To get back on track, it becomes necessary to understand stress management techniques.
Systematic relaxation procedures can soothe emotional turmoil for which one can follow :
1. Keeping oneself healthy, fit, and relaxed helps to reduce stress.
2. Seek a friend’s help as building a network of supportive friends, or even just one supportive relationship can be vital to ones well being.
3. Consume a balanced variety of food.
4. The key to sound lasting relationship is communication. Communicate clearly and confidently our feelings.
5. Managing time effectively helps to reduce stress.

3. Exercises

Regular exercise improves the efficiency of the heart, enhances the function of the lungs, the heart maintains good circulation, lowers BP, reduces fat in the blood, and improves the body’s immune system. One must do exercise at least four times a week for 30minutes a time. Each session must have a warm-up, exercise, and cool-down phases. You can also check out for fitness-related tips.

Exercise for Immunity boosting’ will include:
1. Practice Squats but before proceeding for any exercise one should always practice warm-ups to prevent injuries.
3. Knee-up twists which mean raising your knee to your abdomen and twisting towards the opposite side of the leg.
4. Kapalbharti ie, folding your legs and breathing in and breathing out.
5. Pranayam, etc.

4. Food and supplements

A balanced diet is one that contains various groups of foodstuffs namely energy, yielding foods, bodybuilding foods, and protective foods in correct proportion as a matter of fact that individual gets all the nutrients in the required amount. In addition, a diet rich in vitamins, proteins, minerals, etc will lead to a better life. Therefore, importance in our diet is preferred to Green leafy vegetables. Likewise, green leafy vegetables in our daily diet is specifically an indication of a healthy life. Additionally, green leafy vegetables are rich in antioxidants that have mainly the ability to reduce cancers. Most important it’s rich in vitamins, minerals, fibers, etc. Especially a diet that consists of green leafy vegetables ultimately offers abundant benefits and also reduces the risk for high blood pressure, heart diseases, etc. For instance, Some green leafy vegetables are spinach(palak), fenugreek(methi), lettuce, radish(Mula), etc is what one should go for.

And talking about supplements “Chawanprash” which is a nutritive jam which has been used in Ayurved acts as an immunity booster which aids in the production of hemoglobin and White Blood Cells. It suppresses anti-aging properties which have an ability to clear respiratory passages and also in building strength.

5. Natural Remedies

A natural Remedy is something that is intended to cure the disease or infection using ingredients that are easily available at our homes. These traditional methods are still used today as these ingredients are easily available and have an immense number of advantages. Two of the traditional ingredients which have been carried since ancient times ie, turmeric and ginger.

Turmeric and ginger have very powerful medicinal properties as these two are loaded with an immunity booster to help your body stay strong and healthy. One can consume turmeric, ginger, garlic, and honey in a spoonful mixture into one cup of warm water which is a natural step that greatly increases the power of our immunity system. It carries away the inflammation. These will also help to knock out a common cold within just 2 days. It has the ability to lower the risk of colds, flu, and other infections. Also drinking turmeric water has proven to be an immunity booster that fights away the foreign bodies etc.

6. Proper intake of nutrients

Nutrition deals with those life processes by which the body uses food for energy, growth, and maintenance of health. So, therefore, the proper intake of nutrients is very necessary for health and also to boost immunity.
The various nutrients required in the right amounts that must be taken regularly consist of proteins, carbohydrates, days, minerals, and vitamins. Proper consumption of nutrients results in carbohydrates and fats supply. Proteins provide functional and structural materials. Vitamins and minerals along with water help to regulate body processes. A diet that consists of all the nutrients shouldn’t include overeating. Excessive salt, spices, sweets, and sugars should be avoided. Include a variety of food in order to constitute a balanced diet. Allow natural food so as to fulfill the body’s nutritional requirements.

7. Proper control of the diet

The health of an individual depends partly on his inheritance and on understanding the factors that influence health. Therefore it becomes necessary that a well-balanced diet should consist of all the nutrients in the right proportion. But, overconsumption of food is not good for health as well as the immunity system. This will lead to obesity and obesity will lead to heart diseases, diabetes, psychological problems, body shaming, tiredness, etc. Obesity takes place when a diet that’s high in calories, lacking in fruits and vegetables, full of fast food, high calories beverages, and oversized portions will contribute to weight gain. So as to maintain a good body posture one has to take care of it’s the dietary plan. Adding on low-calorie, nutrient-dense food, such as whole grains, fruits, and vegetables will help to maintain weight gain. And choosing food which promotes a healthy weight and good health are always suggested

8. Use of probiotics

Probiotics are also milk products but contain active bacteria eg. Lactobacillus, Acidophilus, etc. Consuming probiotics maintain the balance of intestinal microorganisms ie, increase the population of microbes helping the digestion and decrease the population of harmful microbes. Probiotic products are available in various forms like yogurt, kefir, sauerkraut (pickle of cabbage), dark chocolate, miso soups, pickles, oils, corn syrup, artificial sweeteners, etc. Adding these products to the daily diet helps increasing immunity, lowers the ill -effects of harmful substances formed during metabolic activities. Alternatively, you can buy probiotic supplements.

9. Food rich in antioxidants

An antioxidant is a substance that inhibits oxidation, it’s a substance that removes potentially damaging oxidizing agents in a living organism. Vitamin D is rich in antioxidants. Fish oils, fatty fish and egg yolks, milk, grapes, cherries, strawberries, guava, oranges, contain vitamin D. Consuming these fruits, vegetables will definitely help increase your immune system and level of antioxidants as it will help increase blood oxidant levels to fight oxidative stress and reduce the risk of diseases

10. Usage of plant-based food

Plant-based foods focus on foods primarily from plants and the exclusion of food from animal sources. The benefits of eating mostly plants are not limited to reducing your cancer risk. A plant-based diet also has been shown to reduce your risk for heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and some mental health illnesses. Adding plant-based food to our daily diet cuts the risk of heart failure by almost half. Plants based food is generally a diet that consists of a diet full of vegetables, seeds, grains, fruits, and not from an animal source.
One should go for vegetables, change the way you think about meat, plan a plant-based diet, choose good fats, build a meal around salad which helps stay you strong and young and also has many benefits for the skin.

Our health workers are busy saving the lives of people who are Covid-19 affected. There is something our whole world is saluting for health workers can do this much for all of us can’t we just sit at home follow social distancing norms and also have a healthy lifestyle with the above-mentioned immunity boosters. If they can do Plenty amount of help why can’t we return in favor the same?
