Nationwide lockdown was imposed in March which took many businesses by surprise. E-Commerce deliveries took a bad hit with both the business and consumers facing the heat. Now that the government making efforts to lift up the economy, MHA has allowed all goods transportation starting April 20. However, Vehicles transporting goods will require special permissions.
With this, E-Commerce companies can deliver all categories of items and not just Essential Items. Amazon, Flipkart, PaytmMall and Snapdeal are stepping up their preparations to resume with a larger order base starting April 20.
With temperatures rising across the country, many have been waiting to get Air Cooler, Air Conditioners, Refrigerators and Fans. Some were facing the loss of work due to the non-availability of laptops, Routers, Desktops, etc.
So those, who are waiting to order electronics and other goods, can start doing so starting April 20. This is a huge relief for consumers after the lockdown started a month ago. However it might still take some time for an e-commerce resume at full strength due to manpower issues. So prepare your list of products you have been waiting for to get through the lockdown.
With this good news, there would certainly be a lot of relief for consumers. But at the same time one should act responsibly. Do take necessary precautions while taking deliveries. Try to order only Essential “Non-Essential Items” for lesser risks. And above all, Stay Healthy, Stay Safe, Stay at Home.
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