Importance of yoga in our life :
Yoga is a famous exercise that centers around breathing, quality, and also an adaptability. It is a group of physical, mental, and spiritual practices or disciplines which originated in ancient India It is a word that became popular across the world in the last few years. Yoga is not only beneficial for the body but also for the mind. Furthermore, Yoga offers us a safe place to use our minds to relax. The benefits of yoga for the mind include the ability to focus our thoughts and get more done, the ability to be more aware of our body, and also a much better understanding of what we are doing physically during the physical activities we do. Yoga is a beautiful practice activity that combines various postures, meditations, chants to release stress & achieve peace.
On the contrary, yoga has many different meanings. Many people associate it with only one meaning. It is widely known to be a practice of meditation, and its main intention is to achieve a state of inner peace. Also, another common practice associated with yoga is breath awareness. Wwe will find that yogis try to be more aware of our breathing, which in turn makes our mind more clear and focused. Even though yoga has many different meanings, it is always found to bring about the same types of not only physical but also mental benefits.
The main goals of “Yoga in Daily Life” are:
- Physical Health
- Also Mental Health
- Social Health
- Also Spiritual Health
- Self-Realisation or realisation of the Divine within us
Yoga during the pandemic :
During this ongoing coronavirus pandemic, when we are all bound to live a restricted life under the constant fear of infection risks.It is natural for anyone to develop anxiety.
During this time, it is important to understand that mental health is very important for survival. To help with this growing level of anxiety and depression, we must lead a healthy lifestyle, and also practice yoga at home. To live through this lockdown & pandemic period, yoga is the best thing to adopt as a lifestyle habit. It helps us build a strong physical, mental and also spiritual health system. When combined with breathing and meditation, it acts as the best element to take care of our mind, body and soul. There are different forms of yoga that can help us to stay physically strong and mentally balanced.
Humans naturally crave routine, and COVID-19 upended our routines on nearly every level. However, with gyms closed for a long time during the pandemic, many people have adopted a more sedentary lifestyle.
Many companies are having some or all of their employees work from home for the foreseeable future. Humans naturally crave routine, and COVID-19 upended our routines on nearly every level. With gyms closed for a long time during the pandemic, many people have adopted a more sedentary lifestyle. Hence, here are 15 yoga poses that you should be doing every day to help your body recharge and feel less tense throughout the day.
1. Marjariasana (Cat-Cow Pose)
Description & History
The Cat and Cow poses are considered simple yoga poses. The Sanskrit name of the Cat Pose, Marjaiasana, comes from marjay meaning cat and asana meaning posture. The name of the Cow Pose, Bitilasana, comes from bitil meaning cow and asana meaning posture.
Cat-Cow is a gentle flow between two poses that warms the body and brings flexibility to the spine. It’s a basic motion, but one that can be enormously beneficial in supporting the back and easing pain and maintaining a healthy spine, especially if you spend a lot of time sitting. Cat-Cow Stretch can help you improve your posture and balance. It is also believed to be a good stress-reliever and calming pose, since you link the movements with your breathing.
Benefits :
- Improves posture but also balance
- Strengthens and also stretches the spine and neck
- Stretches the hips, abdomen and also back
- Also increases coordination
- Massages and stimulates organs in the belly, like the kidneys and adrenal glands
- Creates emotional balance
- Relieves stress and also calms the mind
2. Tadasana
Description & History
Tadasana is the Sanskrit name for a fundamental yoga asana, otherwise known as Mountain Pose. It is considered to be the blueprint that forms the basis of all other standing postures. It is an ideal pose for those with weak back muscles and rounded backs as it can help restore the body’s natural alignment. Children are often suggested to practise this asana and it can help in increasing the height. This asana can also help improve posture. Tadasana or the Mountain Pose is a basic yoga pose that is very beneficial for our health.
Benefits :
- One of the best yoga poses to increase height
- Also Stimulates nervous system
- Improves body not only posture but also balance.
- Regulate the menstrual cycle in women.
- Tone your buttocks and also abdomen.
- Strengthens your ankles, knees, thighs, arms, and also legs.
- Improves the function of the respiratory and also digestive system.
3. Standing Forward Bend – Uttanasana
Description & History
Uttanasana (OOT-un-AA-SUN-aa) is a posture that stretches entire body and can be adjusted to increase or decrease levels of intensity in the hamstrings. The pose gets its name from the Sanskrit words, Ut, meaning intensity, tan, meaning to stretch or extend, and asana, meaning pose.
In that sequence, it is performed both near the beginning and at the end. Asanas that involve folds are perfect for calming the mind and relieve the stress. Forward fold deeply stretches the calves and hamstrings, keeps your spine in line and pulls out the neck. The deeper you go into the pose, the more you relax. This intense forward stretch of the upper body including the spine brings an indirect opening of the hamstring muscles. Uttanasana helps boost energy in the body and hence can be included in flow yoga sequences.
Benefits :
- Calms the brain and helps relieve stress and mild depression
- Stimulates the liver and kidneys
- Stretches the hamstrings, calves, and hips
- Strengthens the thighs and also knees
- Improves digestion
- Activates the abdominal muscles
- Calms the mind and also soothes the nerves
4. Bhujangasana
Description & History
Bhujangasana is the Sanskrit name for a popular yoga asana, otherwise known as Cobra Pose. It is a gentle backbend, most commonly performed as part of a Sun Salutation, in which it can be used as a less strenuous alternative to Urdhva Mukha Svanasana (Upward Facing Dog). The term is derived from two Sanskrit roots; bhujanga, meaning “serpent” or “snake” and asana meaning “seat” or “posture”.
In this pose we imitate a snake lifting its head while working the shoulders, upper back and spine. The Bhujangasana is also believed to be a great aid for the digestive fire, helping to purify the body. This pose not only opens the physical body, but also provides a gentle opening for the heart as well. We open up our chest, become a bit more vulnerable. If you are suffering from rounded shoulders or stiff upper back and neck, Cobra pose can help relieve your upper body stiffness.
The pose strengthens the entire shoulder area and upper back. It also creates more flexibility into the lower back, massages the digestive organs and relieves menstrual pain.
Benefits :
- Opening the chest, shoulders and front of the body
- Improving spinal mobility and flexibility
- Toning and strengthening abdominal muscles
- Stimulating blood circulation
- Improving digestion
- Reducing fatigue
5. Setu Bandha Sarvangasana (Bridge Pose)
Description & History
The term is derived from the Sanskrit setu, meaning “bridge,” bandha, meaning “lock,” sarva, meaning “all,” anga, meaning, “limb,” and asana meaning “pose.” Setu bandha sarvangasana is one of the basic backbend poses that prepares one for advanced backbend versions. It is a beginning backbend that helps to open the chest and stretch the thighs.
This pose has a lot of scientific benefits to it when compared to other asanas. The alignment of the body right from the feet to the head should be understood well to ensure the maximum benefit of this pose. Practicing the Bridge Pose increases blood circulation through the arteries and provides rest to your heart muscles. This prevents cardiac arrest or blockage from occurring in the future.
Additionally, this pose works out your upper and lower back muscles. It provides relief from back pain, strengthens the spine and reduces strain on the neck. Lastly, this asana also provides relief from migraines, headaches, insomnia and exhaustion.
Benefits :
- Strengthens shoulders, core, legs and also glutes.
- Stretches the chest, neck, hip flexors and quadriceps.
- Stimulates thyroid, digestion, and can be energizing and calming.
- Improves circulation of blood
- Helps alleviate stress and mild depression
- Calms the brain and central nervous system
- Reduces backache and also headache
- Reduces fatigue, anxiety, and also insomnia
Conclusion :
The importance of physical activity during the COVID-19 pandemic, and how you can continue to exercise effectively and safely. We hope you find these tips helpful. Due to the multitude of stressors surrounding the COVID-19 epidemic, a lot of professionals have turned to mindfulness as a means to reduce anxiety and maintain productivity.
From the various Yoga asana we have today, we compiled a list of the best 5 for remote workers. Yoga is the ultimate practice. It simultaneously stimulates our inner light and quiets our overactive minds. We are thinking about you as we so often do and wishing you good health and more happiness than your heart can hold. Be blessed! Take time for yourself, slow down and keep doing yoga.
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